Court Reporter / Videographer Demonstration

The purpose of this page:

This page is used to demonstrate the system with a live court reporter and/or videographer (we call these types of users stream managers). If you would like a demonstration of the system without involving a stream manager, use this link. Alternatively, you may contact a representative using this link.

Using the form below, you enter the email addresses for the users who will be participating in this 20 minute demonstration. Stream Managers include court reporters, videographers, or other content creators. Guests are typically the Attorneys. All users receive one email with information about the demonstration and a link to easily join the demonstration. For information about how to configure your systems please read Technical Specifications.

1) To begin, fill out the form below.

At least one stream manager is required.

Email Addresses:

Stream Manager (required):
(Separate additional stream manager email addresses with a comma.)

Attendees / Guests (optional):
(You may submit multiple email addresses, separated by a comma.)

2) Check your email, and ask the other parties to check their email as well. The email subject will say " - Demonstration". In this email, guests should click the link that says "To join the deposition, click here: Join Demonstration". Stream Managers will also see a link like this in their email, but they will also receive a second email containing the password required to join.

3) After clicking the links, all the participating users will be connected to the same demonstration instance. Guests may now use the group chat feature to chat back and forth with each other. Stream Managers can also connect their cameras and microphones to send video and/or audio streams. Stream Managers can also can connect their cameras and microphones send a video / audio stream.